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Unearthing Hedeby, Kurt Schietzel
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Unearthing Hedeby

Written by Kurt Schietzel

648 pp.

Release date: 22-11-16

Language of text: English


Hedeby, located in northern Germany, is one of those archaeological sites of the Early Middle Ages (known in Scandinavia as the Viking Age) where researchers can observe and document urban development. Those sites are considered to be precursors of the later towns in northern Europe. This fascinating site is presented quite extraordinarily in the present volume. The methodical procedure and the technical work processes are described and documented, and the characteristic features and the unique find material – scientifically processed by a large team of collaborators - are presented. The long path from excavation to historical knowledge can be authentically reconstructed through informative documentation. Scenic illustrations, all of which refer to excavation results in Hedeby, trigger associations and document the specific early medieval milieu of this settlement, which was shaped by different ethnicities and social groups. In this way, it becomes clear what variety of overlapping cooperation is required in settlement archaeology – borne by the passion of all those involved – in order to be finally conveyed to the public in a museum presentation.

94,00 €
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